Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Blur Sotong

It's been ages since I've blogged. In between, I have not bought any new shiny gadgets or any fancy spanking toy or done any serious shopping.

In fact, with CNY just in 2 days, I have not shopped for my new clothes, my new shoes, my new anything. I just have not had the time.

I spent every Sunday on the floor. I spend every Sunday on the floor. Festive or not, nothing is going to change that. I still love my floor. And I still love spending my Sundays at home smelling like home.

Except that last Sunday, I spent 2.5 hours in the temple. Last Friday I spent 8 hours in Genting with mom, dad, Sis Cecilia, Sis Cheng and Agent Ooi.

Life has not stopped spinning, (I mean work has not stopped spinning) since I got back from being tan with Lis all over again.

Of course now and then I still think of him. It's been more than a year. I just don't talk to myself about it anymore. I think it, but I don't think it out loud anymore.

Last I received any blank or any miscue was when I was doing my adventure run with LRT to Kelana Jaya and waiting for free shuttle to Ikano Power Centre. It was late, maybe about 9ish when the dark blank MMS arrived. That was some weeks ago. And that was last. The last ever.

I saw Qert for the first time this year, yesterday. And he commented that I looked more haggart than I ever did even when I was with Res. I guess it was true. That was 2 years ago when my priorities were different. Now, with new routine, with old-new office, with the looming dragon, with the absense of Head, I seriously need to fill in this uniform better.

I can never believe that April 2006 I moved into this office, come April, it will be 2 years in this old-new office. Hopefully with more space, better ventilation and a better direction.

This office has turned into memorial ground of rats and vermin alike. I do not know why or what attracts them to this office, but this is plague number 3. (First flies, second rats)

Never mind.

I am not being a Drama Queen right here. But I seriously need help. I need some divine intervention.

Consider this my cry for help or my prayers for salvation. I don't know how to call it or say it anymore, except that working throughout CNY with only my Sunday intact, right now has me only looking forward to one hour with Horatio.

I could use a hug right now. Or some strength, by just a touch.