Monday, December 01, 2008


The 3 in 48 is still unparalleled. But this title for this topic, I am pretty sure I have used it before.

Till today, till now, the dream still stands at only making it a great 2009 come the first quarter.
I am in no rush. Between now and then, I have plenty to keep me occupied. None of which includes male companionship.

This is a posting that is saying the same thing. Whatever perception there is of me, I will leave it at that. Life is about living it. Life is not about me pleasing you.

For whatever reason there must have been, towards the drive home this evening, I had a funny 5 seconds that was not funny. It was the exact opposite of funny. It was a very weird one at that. It was Rob Thomas' Ever The Same. I know that Shuffle mode is the only way I will ever hear this dedicated ring tone again.



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