Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year!
It's been weeks since I've blogged. I did my annual Singapore trip over Christmas. This time Rose and HS as a new edition. RY.
And... For the festive celebrations, I have went and got myself a few new toys...
Cost me a bomb, but then as I always say.. If I don't love me, who would?
That you see in the pic, is my new toy. And I love it. I love the slim smooth touch on my palm, just like how I love my second gen Nano. I now have a collection of 4 iPods. Do I really need so many? Well, the Shuffle has gone and died on me. So I have 3 active pods. That is all I need.
My 7 year old first gen Pod plays office music and houses 5 Alanis Morissette albums.
My second gen Nano houses my Rock education.
My new love, the iTouch houses all my mini Lenore episodes and whatever junk music I could load into it.
I love my music and nothing is going to come between that!