Monday, July 18, 2005


A friend from the past, in town for a couple of days, has assisted in keeping the days light and cheerful since he arrived on Sunday. It was so nice and warming to see him again. I shared with him my fondest memory of him and he laughed at me. Yes, it's been 4 years since and I still remember what it was like having him as a second mentor at the philosophical system we used to be attached and potrayed.

I have grown so much more cynical and sarcastic since. I think I grew up.

"I'd like you to be schooled and in awe, as though you were kissed by God full on the lips"

Speculations is all I have to keep me happy while everything is on fast-forward mode this monday. I was caught in morning line-up since 8 am, and I came in at 7.30 am to prepare myself for this. I was caught till 10 am. My mobile went off religiously as if I was some Big Potato and it kept irritating me to no ends and I got so fed up, I left the mobile at my Reception desk for coordination.

The Monday blew up in my face after 10 am and I realise that I cannot do everything on my own. When I saw Qert, he started the day with an exciting story of the dust mop and I scowled at him.

After not having breakfast with Breakfast Fellowship, I am totally dis-orientated and I lost my bearings along with my marbles. I don't remember which I lost first. But I knew again, I have dropped the ball.

I vented frustration to Qert, "I cannot do this alone! I need my Vanilla Latte!!!"

"You need to calm down. Take one of your Happy Pills right now!!"

I lasted the 3.5 days without the EE-diot without any Happy Pills and to start on it again on a Moan-day didn't sound so bad. So I called Chairwoman and ceremoniusly announced that I am taking a Happy Pill.

Yesterday's lunch and coffee after that was a wonderful break from the mundane Sunday I normally have. Chairwoman and I shared so many creative moments in our very own private jokes on our favourite couch. I told her that I didn't touch that 5 Happy Pills previously prescribed to me and yet I could feel so on top of the world.

Yet today, I had to inform Chairwoman that I did what I did. Dependency on the Happy Pills. Steve doesn't know this "addiction". I don't intend to let him know.

JMA said, "I don't like this guy, and I don't even know him!"

No, JMA, this guy is the most amazing guy ever. He dotes and fusses over me. Anyone who sends me food is worth thinking over and beyond. The ring on my finger, has a long story to it. Whatever it is, JMA got irritated that I refer to him as my "boyfriend" instead of my fiancé.

Come on, it's just a matter of reference. He hasn't even proposed proposed yet. (No, it is not a repetition, it is meant to be repeated. Like "call a spade a spade" thing)

No, the EE-diot won't be able to keep me away from Breakfast Fellowship. Come on, "Ain't nothing gonna break my stride".

Have faith in me.

It's been the entire day since I saw Chairwoman to catch up. The Cats seldom spends time together. Slowly, all that anchors me begins to drift away. I don't ever want to lose the most constant thing in my life, Steve.

"As honest as the day is long, only not as bright"


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