Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Honey & Jones

Jerri Berry hatched her gotchi 4 days after Honey. And named him Jones coz Tom was dancing around the house to Tom Jones' songs. And when she found out the gotchi was a boy, Tom said, "Tom Jones?" and raised one side of his eyebrow.

She burst into laughter and named her gotchi Jones.

On Thursday night, Jules, Jerri and I congregated at home to usher in the National Day. And to keep idle hands occupied while tongues are flapping, we played mahjong.
(Some might say it's the other way round, no it's not)

Unfortunately, Jerri was shutting down by 11.30 pm. And they went home by scooter, to avoid the Merdeka crowd.

Jules stayed with me and mom till 2.00 am. It was the first time mahjong centre was open till 2.00 am with Jules' attendance.

The weekend follows and came good. The girls went out on Saturday to watch Transformers. And for me, my third seating. Cool. I enjoy the movie and it has a great soundtrack too.

But something else was always the topic of our conversation. Something I anticipate. Maybe not them two. But definitely me.

Family can be the greatest and the worse thing that ever happened to you. Looking at Jules and my sissy, I am so glad that they are here to help me, to harbour me, to support me and to keep me strong.

I do not think my decision is wrong, nor is it right. Like what zero says, "there is no right or wrong, only what's appropriate" Maybe this for me is appropriate.

Enough said. More then. Or more after this weekend. Saturdays seems to be the only day that picks me up.

Thank you for being there for me.


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