Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Garfield To The Cure

I got this from Deslex. Garfield : I hate Mondays to The Cure : Friday I'm In Love (Not)

I have been in (not) love for many Fridays now. It's almost as if Friday I'm Not In Love more than Friday I'm In Love. And it didn't help watching Feels Like Heaven or being at Planet for a drink with CW listening to the lines... "whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel like I am home again".

So many things has happened. I have watched and finished all of Entourage, all of Grey's Anatomy, all of CSI Miami Season 5, all of Nip/Tuck, all of Desperate Housewives. Everything. You name it, I've watched it.

It has been that many Sundays on the floor, uninterrupted.

That many days in between that I have felt like not blogging. I don't care, really. I've lost it. A blogger's block. Don't even know how to put it together nicely anymore.

Jules, with whom I spend many Saturdays with has been alternating between home, work and hospital. And me, as closest relative and in terms of home too, is not being very supportive.
She gets off work at 1 am. And I have no idea how she goes home, now that her dad is lying in the hospital. I was gonna go pick her up last night (or early this morning) but I waited for her call till 1 am and fell asleep.

I stayed up with Madonna and towards the end, sneaks a gin & t. And I wonder why I fell asleep waiting for her phone call.

The call didn't come. At 2.30 am she texted to say, she's home. Not like I was awake to pick up the text...

At 4 am I woke with frenzy, OMG, JULES! and checked my phone.
She's safe. She's home.

I'm lousy. I'm a lousy chaperon and I'm a lousy cousin sister. She lives 2 blocks away, works in a city out of the city and I can't even pick her up from KL Sentral to home.

Julius has been closer to me since she became replacement than she ever was, when she was just cousin. I hope her dad's alright. We love him. Or else who would be so kind to send Daffy Daph home and put up with 3 girls singing in the car high on caffeine at 1 am?

I am going to be better, Jules. For you, for me, for my family, for your family. For the both of us. Coz we only have each other.

I love you, my JT. Hang in there, everything's gonna be alright...


Blogger Desmond Ho said...

Love and concern when Friday you're not in love

2:46 PM  

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