Friday, August 17, 2007

Killing Me Softly

Qert has this knack of making me feel like the tinniest tiniest person who doesn't put in much effort to make my idea work.

Time and again, he speaks to me like he would to himself (I think) about keep giving it 110%. He is in it for life.

I wish I had that conviction.

But what was different and what was eye opening to me was, I saw this whole thing with a twang of irony. It made me laugh. But what Qert pointed out, didn't make me laugh. Because it's very simple : I don't care!

I don't care how they perceive my idea. I don't care what they want to say about my idea. I'm in my idea and I know what's happening. And I don't need to live pretentious and live up to their expectations of my idea. They are NOT in my idea.

If they were, I would have done the same thing that crazy woman did. Give her a piece of my mind. And do tell her to get her offspring and all left's of them out of my life.

I cannot be bothered to put up with people so petty.


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