Friday, July 06, 2007

Up and Down

I've have this pick up-let down feeling so many times today I know the Happy Pills were definitely a way better solution.

When was the last time I spoke about turning to my Happy Pills? Ah, yes. Probably the night I was on the line with ex-boss with signature frown, 2 nights ago. He asked if I have stopped that shit. It's quite easy for a boss to be able to read their staff, huh? Maybe he's just perfected his penetrated whithering frown and it works over the phone. Don't know.

But talking to ex-boss The Man, was definitely a trip back. He laughs it off like it was just ciggie ash that's just landed on his baju or something. He talks about life and love and everything in between. But mostly about knocking my stupid head for still some lingering habits.

So, no.. I have not been near those shit. But it was only 2 nights ago that we were talking about it. And now I am thinking about it and blogging it. Recency effect?

Boss, if I'm not any better, I'm certain Qert will be free to slap me whenever he is not just simply parking in the building.

Thank God there is a contant man in my life for the next 6 episodes, and the last 6 hours of Jack Bauer's day.

Coz there is no more of The Boys till Season 3 Part 2. And 24 has ended at Season 6 Part 2. Maybe I should pick up McDreamy and McSteamy all over again...

Or Carrie and Big.

Or start reading one of my exceeded-quota books. Ha ha.

It's definitely going to be a long chat with Him tonight. I have many things to reflect and repent... I wish I was a better person. (I don't need to be bigger, coz I already am - horizontally!)


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