Tuesday, January 09, 2007


When Boss came back on Friday, she sat down and started doing this tedious chore of writing the minutes of the last meeting. And she sighed in exhaustion saying, "I am not inspired to write this minutes!!"

And then the sigh was contagious, many of us sighed too.

First, I was sighing that I'm closing payroll. So early in the month. It's been moved forward for the last 2 months. We're changing banks from The World's Local Bank to a real local bank. Sheesh.

Second, was our schedule for the month of January 2007. It is still not out. To date, it is still not out!

Third, Rina left a lot of mess for us to handle. A few cases escalated to Boss. And she called Rina, who was on 10 days leave and said a few things... loudly. The rest of us in the office were just glad that she didn't call us instead and were happy to be not Rina.

I am totally uninspired to blog.

Yesterday, Boss didn't leave till 9.30 pm. So that would mean I didn't leave till 10.00 pm. I thought I would get home really exhausted and tired. But I got home, and couldn't sleep a wink.

Today, was morning spent number crunching and formula figuring. Deslex's friend was being interviewed by Trax FM at 11.00 am. For someone who notices when the radio talks a lot, I didn't notice. I didn't even notice what time it was, that I finally got to breath right... until I heard an Alanis song on Trax FM.

Alanis Morissette doesn't make radio-friendly songs. When her songs are being played on air, it is usually either Head Over Feet or Ironic. But what was playing on air, So Pure, is not radio-friendly at all. And it made me smile.

Because today, I've only noticed 3 songs on Trax FM. Afterglow INXS, So Pure Alanis Morissette and right now, Need You Tonight INXS.

I remember Need You Tonight most at CBTL in Penang Airport. Where my brick Pod was being held in his hands. I remember it because that feeling was foreign. And I blogged it too.

Unchartered territory : We went grocery shopping on Sunday. Like every other couple. The part that even made us like every other couple, was having dinner with his brother and wife, Cyndi. Family dinner on Sunday. Wow. That was unprecedented. And for as long as I could remember, a first. A first without my FIL bringing us together.

Unchartered territory : Alanis Morissette's Uninvited playing on air while we were at Carrefour grocery shopping. And I smiled. I smiled because she was singing what I was feeling. Completely, totally, honestly knowing it is unchartered territory we were in.


Qert's big invitation card arrived on Friday. Jason hand delivered it to my office. Along with a few laughs. Doh.

Jason has shopped over the weekend for the outfit for Qert's big day. Oh yeah, golfing buddies!! And me, this is public appearance and I wonder if I could spare myself. Chairwoman however, was enthusiastic. Not surprising. Considering her last 3 nights. I don't even know if I wanted to know about it. Or if I wanted to hear what she was telling me. But a friend is a friend is a friend. And she confided in me. And I am this emotional toilet.

Already not able to digest my own emotions, Chairwoman shared information I didn't know I want to slap her silly or just give her some of my Xanax. Proved she needed sanity more than a clouded mind these Xanax give me, I spared her the pills in my selfishness.

I need them.

She doesn't.

Then again, who am I to judge?

I am a lousy judge of character and has always laid my open book. One person couldn't understand how I could leave myself vulnerable. And he has reminded me since.

What I have done to make me feel better, in other words, my y. Jack Bauer. 24.

Stupid silly 24. I feel asleep on Season 1 Episode 3. Ha ha ha. And this series came highly recommended. Obviously nothing compared to Horatio, but this is not even getting close. Okay. Maybe it was because there were no gaya side profile, hands on hips scenes. Jeez.

I've completed Nip/Tuck Season 3 and since my plan to complete 6 seasons of 24 has derailed, I wonder if I should start on Murder One.

Does anyone remember when Keifer Sutherland was in Flatliner? He was so good looking with so much potential. Maybe it was because I was only 10 when I watched the movie with my sis. I also used to think Kevin Bacon was amazing. But that was Footloose, not Flatliner, that made me think Kevin Bacon is almost, almost the dancer I wanted to be. Ha ha.

Laughs on me.

Back to my number crunching.

No wonder I am so totally uninspired.


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