Sunday, February 12, 2006


Happy Birthday, Qert. You came a long way. You've finally grown up. I remember last year, when we went to visit Boss... We had this conversation in the car about family and marriage and children. I am so proud of you. Especially when you kept that Johnny Bravo hairstyle even when we were all rotf laughing. You've done it.
Why is everyone's birthday in February? The laydee who thinks she is God's right hand has her birthday the same day as Qert. Scary to think.

Happy Birthday to you too. I'm sorry I keep disappointing you. Because I keep disappointing me. What am I doing to myself? I've been crying at my desk for 2 consecutive days and I am so emotionally battered that I didn't realise how I got myself here. What are you? Why do you shortchange yourself? There will be people that are untouchable. Untouchable is the word I would use to describe this subject, in these context. Untouchable. And I wonder why I lingered so long to find out about that.

I will never ever get it. I've used so many adjectives to describe it and yet I never reflected on the adjective people describe me on this subject. I look like a lost forlorned puppy. And at every encounter, I end up cystalising... or having a headache. Shine, Boss said WAKE UP. And you said you did. Doesn't the triple shot grande latte help you at one bit? Maybe you should order the quad shot instead.

Be strong. Keep your chin up and keep smiling. You gotta respect yourself first. Remember that the registration is your priority.


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