Sunday, February 12, 2006

I've had enough of this heartaches.

There, I'm going to say it again. I've had enough of these heartaches.

I know my mentor said if I am not in this person's mercy, I will be at someone elses' mercy. It's the same. As long as I have a job, I will never have what is really important to me.

I had an amazing morning yesterday. And we went to a house warming and was totally blown away by the size and the fact that someone so close to our hearts actually owns RM 7 mil-dollar houses. :)

I'm sick and tired of sitting at my desk crying. I know the marriage is important. That's the most important part and I should not be concerned about the fact that the leave is not approved yet and bblah bblah bblah..

I should focus on the solution, not the problem.

Just because the leave is not approved doesn't mean the wedding is not on!


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