Tuesday, June 07, 2005


SMS : "Baby..." 7 June 10.34 am

SMS : "Treating you like no one does, bring you out and spend quality time together, make you feel that you're the princess and the happiest person in the universe" 7 June 1.19 pm

SMS are strange things.. I don't know why some get to me and some doesn't. The above ones.. Sigh. Do I need to say it?

Don't be sending me silly messages, I'm too busy working.

The evaluation got me riled up and I was bouncing off walls and worried over my evaluation. God knows I haven't had an evaluation in a year! And the last "talk" we had with Boss and Clark Kent, it didn't go very well. And Boss still remembers that. So.. It was scary. I didn't know what to expect.

A quick call to my mentor got me prepped, although not to the fullest but it helped. He got me to anticipate and all I could do was keep my fingers crossed.

I had a quick sit-down with Baby before I went back to see Boss.

It went well. I could say I did very well. I should pat myself on the back. I deserve some rest. But you know what, now that I know what Boss expects of me and even worse, I know what else he expects of me, I must exceed that, or else I will never be able to live with myself.

I love my Boss with such a vengence. I don't even know if those adjectives goes hand in hand, but you know what, I'm going to say it even if you don't think it makes sense.

And if anything goes through my head and I get silly, hyper crazy, you can rest assured it's either work or.. Baby.

Sigh. Stab me with a spoon. Kill me. I know it's going to be a slow and painful death.
"It's a waste of windows".


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