Monday, May 28, 2007


The weekend was unlike any other. For example, I went out with a girlfriend on Friday night and we went to a nice place and a nice bar and a nice band. At almost the end of the month. Nice? Almost. It could almost work if I didn't have a relatively bad afternoon leading up to the outing.

No. I was reasonably sober. Or at least my mind was. My thoughts was. I couldn't hardly sleep even if I've had a few glasses to help me. I went home, showered, dried my hair.. and still had time to sit at the balcony to contemplate things.. and it was 3 in the morning.

I was up on Saturday by 9.00 am.

There were many things and I was tired. The plan was to go see Eve with my sis and my mom. Then grocery shop, then mahjong session with Jules.

We picked her up at 4.00 pm and headed home. She left for dinner at 8.00 pm and I have been rolling around on the floor since we ended the session. I somehow don't remember much of it. Except that I bought magazines for the first time this year and was probably looking through them as I exchanged heavy texts over the last one hour by midnight.

No, those thoughts were relevant. The concerns were relevant. Just that me. I've never been relevant. I've never known the extend of how relevant this is, how it could have impact me and everyone involved. I just didn't see it through my thick head.

I was tired. But I didn't sleep till close to 2 am. And I wonder... if he is also having difficulties resting that thought..

What woke me up with a start was Sunday morning. I woke up to realise that it's probably the first time in two weeks that I noticed it. And for a while it was so scary. Till I realise what this etntire thing is about. It's no longer about me. How come the impact of that has not hit me?

I spent all Sunday like every Sunday. Spending it with CSI Supreme Sunday. Maybe coz of my reluctance to change my routine, it lead up to a bad Sunday night. But then again, when you're coming up against Constantine, no one is a worth.

Only one made it when Horatio was on.

Maybe it was all accummulative. Maybe everything added up at the same time that lead to my Sunday blast. But you know what? Maybe all I don't need is love. And I used to think that work was an ugly four letter word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, HE did not sleep on Friday and Saturday....

1:02 PM  

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