I was sold

Yesterday, I went back to the pet shop where I first saw the Pug and took my mom with me.
This time, I asked to pet the Pug. And when I held her... I was sold.
I've gotten her a name. Now I just need to get her. The cutest and most adorable look on her face made me held on to her with so much longing. I remember when the last time was, that I felt exactly like this. And I almost cried.
My mom excused herself. She's not a pet person. But it doesn't really matter. I felt like I have Thumbtacks then and all I need is Thumbtacks.
I think I stood there and held her for about 10 minutes before I was willing to let go. I wanted to pick up the phone and call Jules and say, "Hey! I'm with Thumbtacks and she makes me so happY!"
I was sold. Thumbtacks is the puppy I'm going to get. (or maybe I should just stop holding, be it puppy or whatsoever.)
The thought of needing someone, something is killing me. Deslex has been using sifu key words on me and he's getting nowhere. Yeah, I know the drill. I have the CDs. I have the books. But I'm just still here.
Even worse, Deslex thinks I should get a puppy. Don't indulge me in the fact that I do need. But thank you for your thoughts that the puppy will bring me some joy. I think exactly the same.
It's the weekend again. The Saturdays are slightly different now. I always have the girls...
Is the photo Thumbtacks or taken randomly from the web?
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