Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dropping The Ball

I have always been a "ball" person.

Today, I have dropped the ball. Twice. Twice today. And lost count of how many times this week... I am sorry I keep disappointing myself.

Work that provides sustenance. This sustenance I have been needing... Has got me so so tired. So tired since Monday. And the big announcement on Wednesday, I missed it. But what the heck. The entire point of the announcement for me was, the food and the envelope.

I had 4 bites of sandwiches and I was called back to that which provides sustenance.

The week has not ended. This Sunday, I am back to have more sustenance! So much for CNY celebrations.

There's always a choice. And there's always a catch.

Right now, I don't even remember what was on tv last night. But tonight, at 10.30 pm on 8TV, it's What Women Want. Down to the last 3 contestant.

And as usual... whenever I want to catch something. I can't.

So it's good to keep zero expectations. That will mean zero disappointment.

So now. Focus.


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