
The week we went to Labuan/KK. We had 3 cameras. My mom, Jules and me. And we became pro at taking our own pix. Just the two of us.
You probably noticed the dark circles under our eyes. It was from many heavy nights.
We were up till 10 pm the night before, try to nap a little, then woke up at 2.30 am for the semi final WC match, and sleep again at 6.00 am. Only to be woken up by my mom at 8.30 am. Then onwards to breakfast and serious sunning. We begged my parents to give us that two hours just to sun, before heading out to town.
This picture was taken after breakfast, after sunning, hungry and sleep-deprived, heading out to town. For some food. (not deprived of)
The ritual repeated itself as it was the semi finals. And for it not the sunning we both had done, we would be very tired and unhappy about the trip. Hey, as it is, Jules played the replacement husband. Who could blame her?
At least now it's a shared joke. And for some sharing, Confucious say, he who stands on toilet is high on pot.
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