Monday, September 18, 2006

*Cough* *Cough*

I came back to the office on Friday like how cob-webbed my blog has been, that was what I had for lungs.

I went to the doctor's, pale from all the running after my nose. My lungs are clear, it's my breathing that sucks. We have no idea why I am wheezing.

I left the office during lunch hour, with a frown.

It hurts not breathing right. It hurts more not being able to speak.

As soon as I stepped out of the office, the phone calls and sms started to come in. What now? I've already got back on a Friday to close payroll so all of us does not have to eat dust for the next month. As is, my lungs are clear, we don't know why I'm wheezing, I could do without the dust.

I spent the rest of the Friday on the floor. And keep getting up to pump I.V of honey into my body.

I spent the evening with my sister, both of us on the floor.

On Saturday, I dragged myself out. Doing some errands with Jules. What I didn't expect was the me being Xenon lights for the day. And she could have told me. I would have spared myself the fact of going out with Jules trying to get my feel-good back. I was home by 5.00 pm and was on the floor.

Tom and Jerri arrived when it was raining the heaviest. And they arrived in their cute scooter.
Jerri and I stayed on the floor while everything was going on around us.

We ate and we talked about my recent "holiday" and distractedly watched the first season of Grey's Anatomy.

I stayed on the floor with Jerri when he had his coffee. And I continued to stay on the floor with Jerri and I was so glad that my sister is right there and didn't decide to leave till I thought it was safe. That's what sisters are for, right.

Sunday was long and measured by countless blanks in the day, as well as nights. Only other counter I had was the numbers of episodes I got through the day of Grey's Anatomy Season 2. I stayed there and no where else. I was permanent fixture. My dad had to move me.

It was a good weekend, if I'm living Meredith's life. Or Burke's. Or McDreamy's. All in all, it was a good weekend to put on weight.

I left no time for idle thinking and self-bashing.

I want that strong Shine back too.


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