Jakatta - Visions

Okay. Confession : The Frank album and the John Mayer album wasn't the only two albums I stole from JC. I stole this album too. But actually... JC gave them to me. Because I've kept them for a very long time. Might as well.
I was first introduced to this album by MH. (Very weird thing about MH. He's got this sense of music that is not like his character. Yeah, who would have thought, Linkin Park? LOL) And right about the introduction to Jakatta, JC showed up with the CD. Nice. Of course the album is mine. Should be, hence, is.
So with this album, I corrupted Qert's lap and Jin-I-wannabe-dorg-next-life's lap. These two laps were the one I used to use, when I was still Carrie-ing in the "training office" in UG.
And in the office this afternoon... while blasting my Pod, I came across this tune, "It Will Be" on Late Night Sessions. And it's nice to hear that Qert actually moved my Jakatta tunes into Pod.
This is one great album. Qert said this album is dreamy. And I smile everytime I hear any tune from this album because it is an excellent album. And I love it. My favourite MOS so far.
Actually, since receiving Jules' text this afternoon, I have been searching for an Aug copy of Faces. You see... we're on it. LOL. And vainpot Shine wants to seeeeee...
So, with the feeling of Maison and listening to Jakatta, I'm going to sleep in a bit.... nice..
Thanks for this interesting article btw I've started making similar music and using samples from here
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