Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So the good thing about having mentorship is, you need to apply what you learn. From Swordfish, I learn that it is about misdirection.

Like Ginger Halle Berry, the best way to work misdirection is, leave your top. Forget what Gabriel said about what the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes. It's about leaving your top behind.

Okay, so someone else also gave me a formula of : when x bothers you, do y.

Okay, here it is. I am very distracted and before Qert could say another time, "I have a right to know what's wrong with you! You're makin wantan on my office floor!"

I need some misdirection, here it is. Sitting down in my office listening to my miniature Pod, (because Qert sold his at a discounted rate to someone other than myself, ass, knowing how much I wanted a gargantuan Pod) being at mercy of painful music, writing nice... NICE letters to ownership.


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