A horrible death

This is a picture of the grasshopper who died a horrible death.
I was also busy looking at him when I was supposed to be looking at The Bargaining Chip.
And I forgot to take any pictures of the muchly missed Ah Man. Now that my FIL has made Ah Man his, and also ah beng-ed the music selection.
They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
My FIL had BEYOND on the CD player and I almost died laughing. It was a surprise to me. We took Ah Man out close to midnight to buy supper. We both missed Ah Man. But BEYOND? Come on!!
I texted Jules.
We got BEYOND in the car.
"Is it Hokkien?"
LOL. No. It's as BEYOND should be.
"You are lucky. My grandfather has neighbours that karaokes to BEYOND in Hokkien."
BEYOND in Hokkien? LOL.
Although I didn't go to a Chinese school, I know of BEYOND. They had.. err.. one popular album and 3 great songs. Probably made more famous after demise of Wong Kar Kui. I was still a kid and listening to KRU. Who BEYONG?
Yeah. My FIL ah beng-ed Ah Man. What did I expect when I named the car Ah Man?!
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