Friday, October 27, 2006


You know what's cute... Boss' two boys.

I spent the evening, after 7 cars found Boss' place, with Mrs. Boss and Aidan. Aidan's the elder one and he is the one who loves all the attention. Keenan, the younger big bully, runs at any flash of any camera, terrified.

If I have my card reader, I will be posting pictures of Aidan. He spent all night indulging me with my need-for-flash. He even had Jedi poses for me. And his side-profile poses. So adoringly cute.

Keenan on the other hand, was too busy trying to avoid me. Even candid pictures I took of him made him cry and hide behind Mommy.

The children, Boss', was the saving grace of the evening. I'm glad I made that trip.


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