Monday, July 24, 2006

Laughing Out Loud

There is only two instances of the above.

One, like Boss with signature frown. He's lost it.

Two, some nut cracks a joke and it is really funny.

I spent CSI Supreme Sunday timeslot, with my mom, in her room, on her bed. Of course, my dad was there too. And I spent it talking to my mom. Talked so much that it was close to 11.00 pm when we were interrupted. My mobile rang, "Are you home? Could you please open the door?"

My mom left the room to come watch the antics. I like audiences. "Did you forget your keys?"


Uh. Okay. Time for me to make coffee.

Earlier that day, I spent the morning contemplating if I should attempt to go out to buy lunch. Because if I step out, I might not be back.. till very late. And lunch won't be lunch.

I went over to Jules' and kidnap her. We walked out to take the train, with the purpose of accompanying me to go buy lunch. We took two shopping bags. (for lunch??!!) So you know the picture was wrong, right from the beginning.

We shopped. We shopped crazy. We shopped mad. We shopped insane. We forgot about lunch.

About 4 ish, we had an offer to hop a ride home. And we took it up. When lugging around shopping bags the size of ours, it would be silly to reject the ride. Plus, if I was going home with lunch, I'm late. So I better hurry.

Jules stayed over till about 7.

Laughing out loud was Jules and I in Carrefour. Laughing out loud was Jules and I in Topshop. Laughing out loud was Jules, my mom and me in the balcony.

Laughing out loud was calling my sister and sharing the laughter. Laughing out loud is spending time with the women at home. We are all made of stars...


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