A whole bunch of gratitude!

L - R : Cat, Jules, Yen, Me, Kee, Laine, Sharon
Whole bunch of gratitude...
Cat : Thanks for cancelling your classes to make sure you are there at my place bright early in the morning at 7.30 am! When the only other person around besides my mom, my dad, my sis, my bro-in-law, Jules and Ting... Thanks for being there bright early in the morning and bringing extra memory stick and batteries!
Jules : Thanks for ensuring I am up and hopping when you got here at 7 am. Thanks for carrying me, my despatch bag, my blotters, my lipgloss, my hand bouquet, my camera, for putting up with my impatience, my yelling, my quietly loudly, my room key, my office key, my tissue, my pashmina, my everything. You were it. You were the one who made me feel truly truly grateful that I have only this one day to look so pretty and you kept me posing, you kept me rythmically aware of my every movement being poised. I was having fun. I am sorry if I yelled. I realise that I am not perfect. Thank you for making me look great in the pictures. Great in the dresses. Great in poise. Thank you..
Yen : Thanks for bringing your brother. Or else my husband would be stuck in the Mercedez-like car.. till now!
Kee : How do I even begin to count my blessings when it comes to you? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be having dead-leaves invites, I wouldn't be having a hand corsage for each and every one of my beautiful bridesmaid. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have dessert on my hen's night. And if it wasn't for you... who would have gotten me to and from Eve's place to make sure I had chicken backside for hairstyle for my dinner?! Thank you for the guest book. Without it, I wouldn't have known so many people... were willing to write down what they TRULY feel for us. HAHHAHAHA..
Laine : If it wasn't for you and Eric, we wouldn't have a venue for my hen's night. Thanks. If it wasn't for your brilliant ideas and Eric's thick accent, Steve wouldn't have been stumped on the first round!
Sharon : Thank you for loan of your husband as the driver, the loan of your Mercedez-like car for the bridal car, for the loan of your son Jay Ven to baby sit me while I was stuck in a cold empty fitting room, for loan of the car to be strung up with teddy bears, for loan of your brilliant mind in storing me in the next room (who would have thought?) and for loan of yourself being one of the bridesmaid and in organising that I have perfect pick up timings. For loan of your husband to grocery shop on our behalf, for loan of the space in your home for storage.. Thank you. I am truly blessed. Thank you...
Another bunch of gratitude coming up soon!
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