Friday, April 21, 2006

Getting it right..

With music, it's very sensitive. Although with my own MEAT, I still want/need to know that where I am, I have good music.. So with being at Planet Starbucks last night, they had John Mayer and awful cover of Sting's Fields of Gold.

Being away from the lobby that is no longer mine, and a place where the band knows my song and pattern, was a change. Being away from the lounge Rooney and I make ourselves comfortable at, with him "buying" the drinks.. It was a change... Certainly a change.

Being at Planet Starbucks last night, Joe watched me walk in and made my usual evening order. He sent my order to my table. With spoon and extra napkins. Such is people, who are familiar with your preference. I've known Joe for about 5 years now. And my morning and evening drinks, he has always remembered.

I don't know many people who gets table service at Planet Starbucks. I don't think The One on The Couch gets it. They may know his drink and his name, but they have never ever bought him Venti Mocha Frappucinos. Just me.

Thank you for Joe still being at Planet Starbucks. Where familiarity does not breed contempt, because I have very specific requirements for my Planet Starbucks dosage. Thank you for not putting me through tedious repetition of getting my coffee right. It's too early in the morning. I may not handle it. Thank you..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One on One, Shine on Shine ?

9:19 PM  

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