Friday, April 14, 2006


I recently bought the Sun Tzu's Art of War. And Steve said, "I thought you go to work everyday, I didn't realise you are going to war everyday..."

No, I am not going to war. But knowing me and knowing Zero, it is a book on my to-read list..

Last night I went home and made my space in front of tv, with my Band of Brother Disc 1. It felt good, just like how it used to. It made me feel good.. Good enough to say, you should sleep now, feeling good... When there are people like Sobel out there, there are also people like Winters out there. Be thankful Sobel is not leading you into combat. And I fell asleep, waking up every 2 hours and checking the time..

It's Friday. It's Good Friday. It's you leaving on Good Friday. And keep remembering, this day next month, it's your wedding ceremony.

I almost couldn't breath.


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