Monday, March 14, 2005

The weekend...

The weekend came as fast as it went.

Remind me, never to make decisions for other people again. For example : If it's your day off tomorrow, never persuade your boyfriend to stay in the night before. He'll probably break away from his regular routine and then blame you for not living up to it.

Well, in a way thankful that the weekend came as fast as it went. I didn't know how to live with the prolonged issue.

The good thing about this "living arrangement" I have is that I know I can still be Narcissist Shine and can still be Whine Shine and I am subjecting anyone to this s**t. :) I still have my time, I still have the best company from me, myself and I.

I have no complaints.

The "room mate" whizzes off to the Hills tonight to attend a wedding and will not be back till after gym tomorrow. It feels like a holiday for my thoughts that at least I get to focus on work today and not worry about being late for dinner, or being on time for this or that. Tonight, CSI : Miami back to back at 10 pm, that is my date ;)

I must have mistaken somewhere along the line about this, but I don't see the point..??


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