By Demand

Trey and Muriel on Channel V.
It's been ages since I've watched Trey and Muriel on By Demand, Channel V. I remember CT Sue and I used to watch it religiously. And today, instead of having my usual smell, I had a different one on. JLo.
I miss Trey and Muriel. I miss Muriel's purple. And I miss Trey's silly. They do the craziest things on air. And this posting, is by demand. Here, take it.
great picture! JD in action!
Jlo sucks... get rid of her...
Haha... By Demand Trey and Muriel was indeed a great show. It seems it's totally forgotten though, Googling on the internet only brings me to obscure places like this blog.
I wish there were at least some youtube vids! I used to love that show.
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