
This is one great moisturiser. I love it.
When the girl was trying to sell it to me, the one word that caught me was, "lightweight". Jules was insistent. She does not think this bottle of something could be at that price just because of one word.
I love that word.
The girl was not trying to sell it to me, I was sold. She had to sell Jules. You see, Jules was carrying my purse that day. LOL. And she said to Jules, "We won awards for this product!"
Jules replied : You better. For the price you're charging, you should have many many awards!
It doesn't matter to me. I bought it anyway. Jules couldn't stop me. And she wonder why I go shopping with her and bring her as my concsience. Actually, she was more of the pitchfork devil than the angel. And, she helps carry my shopping bag.
Here, meet my new best friend... Lightweight!
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