Monday, June 26, 2006

Pink - my ongoing obsession

My pens keep getting stolen. This is a small office, of 3 islands. Yet my pens keep going missing. *not pants.

So what I did was, I bought supplies of pink inked pen.

Everything I write, everything I sign, is now pink.
Pink is my new obsession, I was corrected, pink is my ongoing obsession.

I remember who started me out with pink inked pens, these same ones I have.
I took the train, to go see her. At the end of the other station, I walked to her office. And spent the day with her. Boss made me. Boss sent me.

She was trying to explain something to me. Using a pink inked pen. I was so fascinated with the colour, I just sat there nodding. She hated pink. She hated anything to do with pink. So what she did was all her doodles were in pink. She just couldn't wait to finish the god-blasted pink inked pen. To her, she used pink ink because she hated it, and wanted to be done with it.

To me, I loved it so much. It made sense to me. I left her office, and stole her pen. She wouldn't miss it. She hated it. I loved it. Might as well I have it.

It wasn't until I got back to her office, that I called her to say, "Hey, thanks for the pen."

It'll be too late till I'm in the neighbourhood again :-D

The last time I called and spoke to her, was early May. She's a great conversationalist. But could never get through how morbid a person I am. Or how dark I can be. Albeit, she was one of the good guys. I like her.

If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be having pink inked pens. :-)


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