Thursday, April 06, 2006


Sad.. I went to sleep sad, and I woke up sad. It took so long for me to drag my ass out of bed that I almost called in sick. But everybody who knows me knows I am too responsible a person to do this for kicks.

I dragged my ass to work and fellowshipped alone. I had to do something to lighten up the day. It was going to be long, I might as well start the day with a full stomach. I cannot make decisions with an empty stomach. Vowing to start the day at 11 am, I was with my reports by 10 am. I need my coffee.

I went for coffee at Planet Starbucks, on The Couch with The One, without The Tie.

No, that didn't start my day very well either. It used to work. But today, it was just this black cloud that wouldn't go away. I look like Lenore. Even with having MEAT, it didn't help. I was breathing right, I was focusing on the day, I did everything I should have done at work, yet a look at my hands and you know I have been having this anxiety shit that won't go away.


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