Cover Versions..
Copy of the original.
As I listen to INXS' Hot Girls, it sure does reminds me of Duran Duran's Wild Boys.
This is the part where I have a frown on my face. No, I don't know Duran Duran and no, I don't know INXS. Well - INXS was part of the education I got from mentor.
They say immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
When mentor gave me the CD of INXS' Switch.. Man, that was flattery. It was done up so beautifully.
And then John Mayer does Ray Charles' I Got A Woman. (John sucked at it!) If he was trying to flatter Ray, forget it.
And then John does Jimi! I wish he'd just stop. He is not a cover person. Leave that to Westlife and all those boys!
Of course as I write this, I have to be honest and say, I don't know Ray, I don't know Jimi and I sure as hell don't know Duran Duran or why I think John Taylor is so good looking.
Waaaaay before my time, people. :D
John Taylor is really good looking...
Thank you for agreeing. But I have no idea why people would think I know who John Taylor is or if he's good looking.
All in agreement, should be shot.
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