Saturday, January 21, 2006

Continued... 3 days delayed...

Newly dubbed with the frown that makes plant wither, I realise that I need to be far from the maddening crowd. Or if you have seen Josh-oO-AhhHh lately, you would have said I need to be far from the darkened crowd. LOL.

I took the next 2 days off, and made an appointment with my hairstylist to have my hair cut. I finally have time to trim these grass that has been growing out of my ears. I kept them there because yesterday I had the lecture on right and wrong vs appropriate. (You should see me, I am beautiful! Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder....)

It proves realiable (for then) but the same thing happened, just like his signature closing speech, "I don't know if this has helped you or hurt you...."


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