Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My angry song...

Alanis Morissette sings my life. Still does. Sometimes I kid myself that Frank sings my life. But today, Alanis Morissette sings my life.

All the pent up anger in me wants to be let out today. Today, the premier of CSI NY.

Alanis said, "Once I know who I'm not maybe I'll know who I am". Same goes, once I know how much I'm willing to partake in this then I'll know how far I'm not going to.

As much as I love my Boss... sometimes I feel like I have no space for errors. I have to be perfect. For Him.

Here I am, when I promised myself I will be home before 9pm. Here I am when I cannot any longer differentiate what I'm willing or unwilling to do.

I'm burning out and I told Boss. He isn't very happy with that. I know, he knows, the team knows.

I'm listening to Alanis Morissette while working and singing out loud coz I could no longer handle it.

Oh, sod it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much anger and frustration... i just want to sweep you off your feet away from it all. but i cant. i feel helpless again.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhm, sounds like too much of heavy positioning, lah!

8:23 AM  

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